Friday, January 16, 2009


Well today was the first games in my racquetball tournament. I play a different person each week and each time we play 3 games and the total number of points goes toward your tournament score. So today I played Mark. The last time I played him I won, but he was a little tired. We were both fresh today and he brought his A game. He won the first game 15-7, but I managed to win the second game 13-15. The final game was Mark's 15-10. Oh well.

So today I was supposed to run 4.5 miles, and I though it would be no problem to do it after racquetball. I mean I breezed through that same distance on Tuesday. I even decided I would push myself to see how low I could get. I started running at a 9 minute pace. After about a half mile my quads and calves felt really tight. I hit one mile at exactly 9:00. I was hurting, but I was determined to keep pace and push through it. After 1.5 miles I was hurting. My legs felt like Jello. This is when I first started to think I wasnt going to make it. At 1.75 miles I broke down and decided to walk a lap. Then I started to run again and felt terrible. I think I had some residual soreness from spin class the day before. And then an hour of intense racquetball was too much for me. I finished 2 miles in just under 20 minutes and called it quits. I will chalk this up as a learning experience. I will make sure not to do anything physically demanding before my scheduled runs. I definitely overestimated my abilities today...

1 comment:

  1. Both you and Paul probably need to take some glucosamine tablets every day, stretch, STRETCH, STRETCH....

    Great job on the 7 miler!
